From all of us at Heartland, we'd like to wish you a happy holiday season and a joyful new year!
Take a look at our most popular blog posts from 2017:
- Free School Menu Templates Are Back For The 2017-18 School Year!
The new school year is here and we've updated our menu templates with brand new designs for the 2017-18 school year. These fun, free, easy-to-use templates are available for you to download now. With unique designs that channel the spirit of each month, these menus are sure to catch the eye of your students' parents. Read More > - USDA Announces More Flexibility for School Meals
It Happens Slow and It Happens Fast - When we last checked in, the future of Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) was uncertain. We have some clarity now following private meetings with both House and Senate staff during the SNA Legislative Action Conference. The House Education and the Workforce Committee would very much like to move on CNR, which is now two and a half years past due. That said, their docket is pretty full and the Chairwoman, Virginia Foxx (R-NC), has no active plan in play. And don’t forget, the full House has quite a lot on their plates, too. Read More > - Tips to Help with Student Lunch Debt for the New School Year
Recently, much media attention has been focused on school cafeterias and the (seemingly) controversial methods used when students cannot pay for their meal. Cafeteria staff have an obligation to balance feeding hungry kids, maintaining financial stability, and following district guidelines. Occasionally, something has to give. So how do we solve it? Read More > - The Top 5 School District Nutrition Facebook Pages To Watch
Creating a Facebook page for your School Nutrition department is the perfect way to promote your program, connect with school nutrition professionals, and share the great work your program does on a daily basis. And there are some school's out there that are doing just that and more! Here are 5 delicious school nutrition Facebook pages that you just have to see for yourself. Read More > - How to Properly Care for Your Point of Sale Computers:
6 Quick Tips
Remember the first day you started using your new POS computers? Everything was shiny and clean, your POS system ran fast (or so we hope), and your pin pads worked perfectly. Now fast forward to today. Is that still the same story? Read More > - How to Spice Up Your School Menu Calendars in 7 Steps
Menu calendars are a staple to any school nutrition program. Whether they're available in print or online, parents at your school district check them regularly. The design of your menu calendars give you the opportunity to portray your program's personality while offering important information in a clear and concise way. Here are 7 steps to help spice up the look and feel of your school menu calendars. Read More > - Heartland Welcomes MealViewer
We’re thrilled to announce that MealViewer has joined the Heartland family! MealViewer is a communication tool for parents, students, and schools that can help boost participation and grow your program. Read More > - 5 Inspirational TED Talks to Get People Talking About Nutrition in Schools
TED is a nonprofit organization that strives to spread ideas, spark curiosity, share information, and start conversations about topics that matter. Their short-form, powerful TED Talks cover a myriad of topics from technology to sociology and fine arts to nutrition. In the spirit of sharing ideas, we've rounded up 5 inspirational, thought-provoking TED Talks that will get you talking about nutrition in schools. Read More > - 4 Important Considerations Before You Start Breakfast In The Classroom
So you're thinking breakfast in the classroom might be the right breakfast service model for your school? Maybe you've noticed students don't have enough time in the morning to eat before class, or that some students are coming to school hungry and unable to focus. Breakfast in the classroom has helped schools across the country increase participation while ensuring that students are well-fed and ready to learn. Read More > - A Brief History of School Lunch in America [Infographic]
The history of school lunch programs in America is anything but brief. The Children's Aid Society began feeding hungry, needy school children in New York City as far back as 1853. But it wasn't until the late 19th century that some major US cities, including Philadelphia and Boston, started their own school lunch programs. Over the next century, authors, war, and politics continued to shape the school lunch program into what we know it as today. Check out the infographic below for a brief look at the "not so brief" history of school lunch in America. Read More > - BONUS! From Critics to Advocates: 3 Tactics to Help Get Upset Parents on Board with School Meals
Recently, it's become common to see pictures of school meals shared online that students and parents deem unacceptable. Or, to see an article that negatively compares American school lunches to those from other countries. Unfortunately, this trend perpetuates an already dangerous, false stigma that all American school lunches are unacceptable. And we know that's not the case! Parents want to be assured that their students are served healthy, delicious meals at school, but may be wary if that is actually the case based on content they see online. Combating this negative stigma can be difficult, but it's become a necessary battle for school nutrition departments across the country. Here are a few tips that can help you get upset parents on board with schools meals. Read More >