Cracking the iGen Code: Why Heartland is Launching a New Communications Platform

Today’s generation of students - aptly dubbed “iGen” - are more digitally connected and technically savvy than any other group on the planet. They grew up with the internet and never knew a time where information, a photo, or a status, couldn’t be shared in seconds with the swipe of a finger or click of a button.

The manner in which iGens consume information is vastly different than the students that came before them. Most iGen teens are multi-screen users and are accustomed to consuming large amounts of media from multiple touch points all at once. With smartphones in the hands of 95% of teens and the ubiquity of photo, video, and information sharing apps like TikTok, SnapChat, and YouTube, the way that today’s students communicate and engage with one another has drastically evolved.  So isn’t it time that we adapt the way we communicate and engage with them?

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The Science Behind Digital Signage and Student Engagement

Are you curious about using digital signage in your cafeterias? You’re not alone - the digital signage industry in the U.S. is anticipated to reach $6.90 billion by 2025. That’s quite a jump considering the current digital signage market is only half that amount today. So why the big shift?

Well, let's think about the students you serve each day. This new generation of students, sometimes referred to as iGen or Gen Z, are digital natives that have never known a time without access to a smartphone or tablet. They grew up with technology at their fingertips and the ability to consume information from a screen. The iGen generation has grown accustomed to highly-visual, personalized communication; so it only makes sense that your cafeterias and schools should follow suit.

There are a number of benefits supporting the addition digital signage to your cafeteria.  But before you purchase, here are 3 things your nutrition program should consider:

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6 Reasons You Should Consider Adding Digital Signage to Your Cafeteria

Say goodbye to whiteboards and printed menus and hello to new and up-to-date digital signage! Digital signage is changing the way cafeterias around the country share their daily menus and school announcements. It not only gives your cafeteria a fresh, updated look, but also helps to engage your students and increase participation. 

A report conducted by Grand View Research, Inc. suggests that the digital signage industry will nearly double in the next decade. You might be saying to yourself, “I operate and manage a school cafeteria. Why is this important?” As the use of digital signage becomes more and more prominent in industries such as retail, restaurants, transportation, and healthcare, it will soon become the norm and one of the most effective ways to engage students in the lunch line.

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