Our school menu templates are back for the 2024-25 school year. This year, we have a brand new set of designs, as well as a new ADA-friendly format option!
Our school menu templates are back for the 2023-24 school year with all new designs! You can choose from four designs to showcase your daily lunch menu with ease.
Our school menu templates are back for the 2022-23 school year with all new designs! With three designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.
Our school menu templates are back for the 2021-22 school year with all new designs! With three designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.
Our school menu templates are back for the 2020-21 school year with all new designs! With four designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.
Every year we offer free MySchoolBucks materials so districts can share the benefits of online payments with parents. To make sure we're providing the best marketing resources to districts, we surveyed over 90,000 parents to learn more about how they receive school communications and used this information to grow our offerings!
With all new designs, the school menu templates are back! These new 2019-20 school menu templates will be sure to liven up lunchtime and help you prepare for the new year.
How great would it be if you only served foods that your students loved? Not only would it boost participation and sales, but it would also help reduce food waste. Although this is an admirable goal, figuring out what students like can be difficult. This is where cafeteria surveys can help.
The new school year is right around the corner and we're excited to release a whole new set of designs for our 2018-19 school year menu templates! These fun, free, easy-to-use templates are available for you to download now to prep for the new year.
With popular, unique designs that channel the spirit of each month, these menus are sure to catch the eye of your students' parents.
The new school year is here and we've updated our menu templates with brand new designs for the 2017-18 school year. These fun, free, easy-to-use templates are available for you to download now. With unique designs that channel the spirit of each month, these menus are sure to catch the eye of your students' parents.