Renee Pisaturo

Recent Posts

How Technology Impacts Your Meal Program: Five Ways to Stay Ahead of the Game

With an estimated 40% of parents between the ages of 38 and 18, millennials are part of an ever growing parent population in K-12 schools. This generation of the early cell phone adopters, now Facebook, Snapchat and tweet constantly, turn to Alexa for daily problem solving, and require Uber as a main source of transportation.  With the increasing reliance on convenience-based technology as a part of daily life, here are some ideas to help engage with your parents and promote your meal program in the digital age:

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Lower Your Risk: Five Ways to Help Keep Your School Data Secure

We’ve all heard recent news coverage around the latest hacks, security breaches, and the like. In a world where electronic information is the new norm, a school environment can be at risk of exposing sensitive information involving students, parents, and staff.

Cybersecurity is at the forefront of many industries, including the K-12 space, and can be a challenge to address. Here are some reminders to help ensure your school data is secure:  

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Congratulations to the MySchoolBucks Growth Grant Recipients!

Earlier this year, in an effort to help promote student participation in lunchrooms, the MySchoolBucks Growth Grant Program offered additional funding to school nutrition programs nationwide.

We wanted to help get students pumped up about school lunch in ways that were specific to each of your lunch programs and the ideas came pouring in. Out of 225 applications, we were thrilled to award 86 school districts with Growth Grants for the 2017-18 school year! 

Take a look at how some of the funds were used:

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MySchoolBucks now integrates with SchoolFunds Online by TRA

We've recently established a new partnership with SchoolFunds Online by TRA - and we couldn’t be more psyched about it! Developed for and by school bookkeepers, SchoolFunds Online is a comprehensive accounting system engineered to meet the needs of a dynamic school environment to automate funds management.

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Tips to Help with Student Lunch Debt for the New School Year

Recently, much media attention has been focused on school cafeterias and the (seemingly) controversial methods used when students cannot pay for their meal. Cafeteria staff have an obligation to balance feeding hungry kids, maintaining financial stability, and following district guidelines. Occasionally, something has to give.

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Have You Started Planning for Back to School Season? Consider Turning Your Meal Program Up a Notch!

Most have started – thinking, planning, and organizing for the 2017-2018 school year. It's never too early to begin organizing materials, student class enrollment, back to school kick off, student registration events, and fall programs.

Does student lunch participation come to mind? How do you plan to get more students involved in purchasing lunch? Do you consider the short lunch period – where cafeteria staff feel rushed to transact students and make sure they have time to eat?

Our research shows that for every student who submits cash or check payment, it can take up to 7 seconds for the transaction to complete.

What does that mean? 50 students could add 6 minutes to each lunch period.  If those same students prepaid for their meals, more time can be spent making additional sales at your serving lines.

MySchoolBucks provides a library of supporting material to help promote its service to students and parents. Utilizing these FREE resources can help get the word out to parents, increase participation and speed up your serving lines!

Promotional materials are also available for School Store users. Promote a school event, apparel, tech fees and more! Create a custom flyer, add your own message and logo and have them sent directly to you.

To place an order or access any of these materials, be sure to visit MySchoolBucks Marketing Central.  

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Getting the Word Out About Your Summer Programs

Those end-of-year events are sneaking up on schools with AP exams, proms, and graduation right around the corner. And what’s next?...summer programs! It can be a challenge to promote your summer programs when spring events and exams become a focus.

Many families start making summer plans early in the year to accommodate work schedules, vacation time, and other obligations. This means that creating a clear communication plan early on is the key to successfully promoting summer programs before school lets out for the summer.

Here are 5 tools to help get the word out and increase participation in summer programs at your district:

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