Earlier this year, in an effort to help promote student participation in lunchrooms, the MySchoolBucks Growth Grant Program offered additional funding to school nutrition programs nationwide.
We wanted to help get students pumped up about school lunch in ways that were specific to each of your lunch programs and the ideas came pouring in. Out of 225 applications, we were thrilled to award 86 school districts with Growth Grants for the 2017-18 school year!
Take a look at how some of the funds were used:
Portsmouth School District, NH
Amherst Pelham Regional School District, MA
Caledonia Area Public Schoools, MN
Weld County School District RE 8, CO
Rincon Valley Union School District, CA
Medford Public Schools, MA
Giles County Public Schools, VA
Fairfield Local Schools, OH
Fairport Central School District, NY
Livonia Middle School, NY