[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2024-25 School Year!

Our school menu templates are back for the 2024-25 school year. This year, we have a brand new set of designs, as well as a new ADA-friendly format option!

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[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2023-24 School Year!

Our school menu templates are back for the 2023-24 school year with all new designs! You can choose from four designs to showcase your daily lunch menu with ease.

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[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2022-23 School Year!

Our school menu templates are back for the 2022-23 school year with all new designs! With three designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.

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[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2021-22 School Year!

Our school menu templates are back for the 2021-22 school year with all new designs! With three designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.

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[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2020-21 School Year!

Our school menu templates are back for the 2020-21 school year with all new designs! With four designs to choose from, these templates are the perfect way to showcase what's for lunch each day.

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How to Host a Successful Taste Test in Your School Cafeteria

It's no secret that students can get tired of eating the same thing over and over again. Offering different and new menu items can freshen up your meals and get students excited about eating in the cafeteria. Hosting a taste test event is a great way to get students involved in choosing new menu items and learning more about their preferences. A successful taste test gives students the opportunity to try new recipes and share valuable feedback before you start serving them on a regular basis.

Getting started is easier than you think! Here are some strategies to help make your taste testing event successful:

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How Schools & Students Are Working Together to Ditch Plastic Straws

Every day across the United States, approximately 500 million plastic straws make their way into landfills. That's enough used plastic straws to circle the earth 2.5 times or fill 46,400 school buses. Scientists estimate that it can take hundreds of years for a single plastic straw to decompose. With that in mind, many schools and student-led organizations across the country are looking to reduce or eliminate plastic straws on campus and in their communities.

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We Surveyed over 90,000 Parents. Here's What We Learned About School Communication.

Every year we offer free MySchoolBucks materials so districts can share the benefits of online payments with parents. To make sure we're providing the best marketing resources to districts, we surveyed over 90,000 parents to learn more about how they receive school communications and used this information to grow our offerings!  

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[New Designs] Free School Menu Templates For The 2019-20 School Year!

With all new designs, the school menu templates are back! These new 2019-20 school menu templates will be sure to liven up lunchtime and help you prepare for the new year.

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How Much Waste Does Your Cafeteria Throw Away in a Day?

That's a great question and likely one that many nutrition programs may not be able to answer. It’s estimated that K-12 schools throw away roughly $1.2 billion dollars worth of food each year! One study found that K-12 schools in Minnesota generated 483,520 lbs. of waste in a given school day and the most prominent category of items filling up the trash cans was food waste.

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