MySchoolBucks Accepted by the College Board for New AP Exam Providers Program

Posted by Renee Piazza on Jul 16, 2019 1:45:00 PM


Every year the Advanced Placement Program (AP) grants millions of eligible high school students the opportunity to participate in advanced courses and earn college credit. AP Coordinators who manage and teach AP Courses have several tasks throughout the year to ensure students are prepared to take the AP Exams in May. Part of this process includes collecting student fees and ordering AP Exams through the College Board.

The College Board recently selected MySchoolBucks to participate in its recently launched AP Exam Fee Provider Program. MySchoolBucks makes it easier for AP Coordinators to track payments and accurately order exams through the College Board's AP Registration and Ordering System, as well as provide an easy, convenient way for students and families to pay for exams - online, in-person or from their phone. 

School districts continue to partner with MySchoolBucks to better manage and collect student exam payments. This past school year, districts who used MySchoolBucks to accept AP Exam fees reduced cash and check payments by up to 80%! 

Want to learn more? Contact us today!

Connections Blog

Topics: School Payments, MySchoolBucks