Trends in School Nutrition Programs
May 29, 2018 / Morgan Billings
School nutrition programs are evolving and making changes to the way students experience and perceive school meals. Programs like school gardens, breakfast in the classroom, food pantries, and digital signage are taking over school cafeterias. All...
Read More >The Key to Student Involvement: Food Item Ratings
March 27, 2018 / Sydney Knight
One of the best ways to increase your participation and revenue in your cafeterias is to involve your parents and students in the planning of menus. How can you expect students to want to wait in the lunch line if they don’t enjoy what is being...
Read More >Tips for Fitting Exercise Into Your Daily Routine
March 21, 2018 / Michaela Martinez
Working out is tiring, can sometimes be painful, and let's be real here: who really wants to sweat? In actuality, you don’t have to do an intense and hour-long workout to receive some of the same benefits as someone who is a regular gym goer. Just...
Read More >MealViewer Digital Signage Vs. Other "Signage"
March 12, 2018 / Sydney Knight
Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day In Your Schools
February 13, 2018 / Morgan Billings
Being a part of your students' daily lives - whether in the lunchroom or in the classroom - creates a special and unique bond. What better day to celebrate the friendship and care you provide them than on Valentine's Day?
Below are a few simple ways...
Read More >Solutions To School Lunch Waste
February 08, 2018 / Sydney Knight
Schools across the nation serve an average of 30.5 million lunches a day and a huge portion of these lunches end up in the trash can. Food waste has cost the nation’s schools billions of dollars over the past few decades. How can there be so many...
Read More >MealViewer Marketing Materials
January 25, 2018 / Sydney Knight
If you have ever wondered how you can inform your parents and students of your MealViewer Platform, this is the answer: Marketing Materials. The goal is to provide districts with the materials necessary to market to their audience. We do this by...
Read More >ADA Compliance is Here!
January 22, 2018 / Oliver Maloney
In 1990, Title III of the American Disabilities Act was passed requiring places of public accommodation to meet certain accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. With the drastic changes in the world manifested by technology, it was...
Read More >Do you know about your free MealViewer District Website?
January 16, 2018 / Michaela Martinez
Here at MealViewer we want to be able to make your job as simple and easy as possible. With that being said every school district needs its own website. These websites are crucial to keeping parents updated on current events within their child’s...
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