We are excited to announce we now offer a seamless integration with New Jersey’s leading SIS provider, Genesis. Manage all your student fees in Genesis and give parents an easy way to pay right in MySchoolBucks.
Claire Whelen
Recent Posts
Topics: Integrations, Genesis SIS
Promote your School Store to parents with our free communication tools
Get the word out to parents with our free communication tools! Easily let families know how to pay online for school fees and items in your School Store. Encouraging online payments helps to reduce the amount of cash/checks your staff needs to manage, makes reconciliation easier, and gives parents a convenient, easy way to pay.
Take a look at our most popular digital assets and downloadable templates:
Topics: Parent Newsletters, School Payments, free downloads, Social Media, MySchoolBucks, Communications, School Store, back to school, Resource Central
Join Our Largest Virtual Training Event Ever (Register Now & Save $100)
Join us virtually for our annual training conference, Connect 2021. From March 22 - 26 get a full week of in-depth MySchoolBucks product training, inspiring live discussions, and strategic classes.
Connect is your chance to network with districts nationwide to share ideas on how to tackle the challenges facing our industry and build a network of forward-thinking school leaders.
Topics: Conferences
Supporting Your Local Community This Holiday Season
This holiday season may look a little different than most, but we know one thing hasn’t changed. Shopping small at the end of the year is an important and wonderful way to support local and celebrate the holidays.
Topics: Partnerships, Donations
24 Free Pumpkin Stencils for Families to Download
Engage with families in your school community and share our 24 free pumpkin stencils this month. A grinning ghoul, sneaky spider, or haunted house, these designs are sure to brighten up Halloween night.
Topics: Parent Newsletters, free downloads
Make school supply lists easy with TeacherLists & MySchoolBucks
We are always looking for ways to help make your job just a little bit easier. And this goal has become even more important for the 20-21SY, as schools begin to tackle unique challenges and plan for the new 'normal'. That's why we’re excited to announce our partnership with TeacherLists, a company that makes back-to-school supply lists easy and digital.
Topics: New Features