This holiday season may look a little different than most, but we know one thing hasn’t changed. Shopping small at the end of the year is an important and wonderful way to support local and celebrate the holidays.
Supporting Your Local Community This Holiday Season
Topics: Partnerships, Donations
How to Collect Donations Through Your Online Store
Now, more than ever, schools are looking for ways to support their communities in this time of need. With MySchoolBucks, you can safely and securely collect donation payments online right through your school store.
Topics: How to, School Store
24 Free Pumpkin Stencils for Families to Download
Engage with families in your school community and share our 24 free pumpkin stencils this month. A grinning ghoul, sneaky spider, or haunted house, these designs are sure to brighten up Halloween night.
Topics: Parent Newsletters, free downloads
The MySchoolBucks team has been working hard to make this release the best one yet! Here’s just some of the great new features you can start using today:
Topics: New Release, New Features
Did you hear about our new Smart Invoicing tool? This exciting new feature works with your student rosters to make collecting contactless payments quick and easy for your schools.
Topics: School Store, Resource Central, New Release
12 Zoom Backgrounds to Make Virtual Learning More Fun
Are your students learning from home? We've developed 12 downloadable Zoom backgrounds for your students to choose from for virtual classes.
Topics: School Lunch, School Store, Cashless Campus
NEW! MySchoolBucks is Now OneRoster 1.1 Certified
MySchoolBucks is officially OneRoster 1.1 REST API Certified, and is now listed in the product directory on the IMS Global Website. We've partnered with IMS Global to give schools the ability to easily transfer student rosters, course data, and class information from your Student Information System (SIS) into MySchoolBucks through this powerful, new integration.
Topics: Training, New Features and Enhancements, New Features
Since your school district already uses MySchoolBucks to manage student payments, you can easily leverage the same service parents know and trust to collect upcoming AP Exam registrations and fees!
Schools nationwide are finding new and innovative ways to tackle the challenges of this unique school year. And while many of these plans are very complex, we’re here to help make sure collecting school payments stays simple. Last week, we launched our
Power Up Email Series, where we're sending helpful tips, training videos, and best practices directly to your inbox so you can maximize online payments this year.
Topics: Training, New Features and Enhancements, New Features
Starting this School Year with Remote Students? Here's An Easy Way to Manage Technology Rentals with MySchoolBucks
We realize some of your students may be learning from home this school year. If your students are participating in hybrid or remote learning, chances are they are using a laptop or tablet issued from your school. If that's the case, we have a way to help you collect payments and manage those devices through MySchoolBucks.
Topics: School Store, Resource Central, New Release