[New Feature] Easily send invites to welcome new parents to MySchoolBucks

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We are excited to share a new tool to help get parents signed up for a MySchoolBucks account! With our Email Invites feature, admins can now easily trigger a welcome email directly to a parent's email address. This email showcases all the information they need to know about MySchoolBucks and makes it easy to create their account in just a few clicks. Whether you want to send a single invite to a specific parent or invite parents associated with a whole student group, you can get emails out right when you need to.



Navigate to the students tab and select your students

From the admin dashboard, navigate to the Students tab. From here, you can select the individual student(s) that you'd like to trigger an email to. Emails will be sent if the student has a parent email address listed on record. Once the students have been selected, simply click on the 'Selected Actions' button, followed by 'Send Invites' at the bottom of the page. Invites will only be sent to email addresses that do not already belong to a MySchoolBucks account.

If you do not have parent email addresses associated with your student records, you can work with your Account Manager to learn how that information can be pulled in from another district platform.

Invite emails are delivered

Our invitation email offers parents a high level overview of the benefits of having a MySchoolBucks account. By simply clicking on the 'Get Started' button, parents are directed to the MySchoolBucks account signup page, where their email address is pre-populated for their convenience.

Parents finish their account setup

Once they have created their free account, parents can easily add their students. We even suggest which students to add based on their contact information, saving parents even more time.

With this tool, you can help get the word out and make it easy for parents to sign up. To learn more about new features in MySchoolBucks, visit Support Central for up-to-date information on new releases.