In case you missed it: Check out these new MSB features from 2024

It's been a jammed packed year already with new features to MySchoolBucks! In cased you missed it, here’s a look at just a few of those exciting updates:

MySchoolBucks Features

Send parent invites
Many parents at your school are already signed up and are using MySchoolBucks, but there are likely a few who haven’t created an account at all. Now, you have the ability to send out welcome emails to parents directly to invite them to sign-up and pay online for school fees. 

To do this, from the admin dashboard, navigate to the Student section. From here, you can select the individual student(s) that you'd like to trigger an email to. Emails will be sent if the student has a parent email address listed on record. Once the students have been selected, simply click on the 'Selected Actions' button, followed by 'Send Invites' at the bottom of the page. Invites will only be sent to email addresses that do not already belong to a MySchoolBucks account. Check out this recent article with even more detail about this new feature and a brief how-to video taking you through how to use it. 

Customize and mass edit invoice reminders
This past spring, we released the ability to customize your invoice reminders and apply edits across multiple templates. Now, you can easily add a text box where you can enter additional information to your invoices or clarify why a fee has been issued. You can modify individual or multiple invoices simultaneously.

To try out this feature, go to the Invoices tab within MySchoolBucks. Select your invoices and under the “option” step, you can enable custom messages to add additional text.

Disable course fees
In the latest MSB release, it was announced that you can enable or disable course fees. Every existing course fee now has a status toggle where you can simply turn it on or off. This will determine whether a course fee can be used and is a helpful feature to ensure a course fee that is not in use will not be assessed manually or automatically. 

To utilize this, navigate to Fees and select “manage.” Here, you will find all of your course fees, and to the right, you’ll see a column labeled “status” where you can enable or disable your chosen fee. 

MSB Anywhere

If you missed it, earlier this year, the team released an update announcing that MSB Anywhere now has the ability to accept tap-to-pay methods, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and EMV chip transactions. 

To use this payment method, update your MSB Anywhere app to make sure you’re using the latest version and that your readers are connected properly. Take a look at this knowledge article to get step-by-step instructions on how to update and start using tap-to-pay today. 



We are always looking for ways to enhance the integrations we offer to help streamline your everyday work. Checkout recent updates on a few of our Student Information System partnerships:

  • PowerSchool: You can now sync students into MySchoolBucks based on their enrollment status codes. Districts commonly need to sync pre-registered students into MySchoolBucks, which can now be supported.
  • Destiny: Our Destiny integration can now support student number filters in the event that student number values need to be modified when fees are synced to MySchoolBucks. An example of this would be to remove the first three characters from the Destiny student number associated with each fee.
  • Synergy: Our integration with Synergy will now have the ability to import a category associated with each fee. This provides more flexibility within MySchoolBucks payments to support GL account codes and bank accounts based on fee category and/or school site.

To learn more about our integrations, check out our Partnerships page to see if we work with any of your other software program partners.

The MySchoolBucks team is always working hard to enhance the user experience by bringing you new updates and releases, so make sure you’re on the lookout for even more to come! Don’t forget to get in touch with your account manager today to learn how you can start utilizing these features or get answers to any questions you might have.