5 Features That Make Paying Online Easy


The new school year is here and it's busier than ever! MySchoolBucks is continuously evolving to meet your growing needs. Here are five features you may not know about that make it easier for your parents to pay online:

1. Share products directly to social media or in an email

Store administrators have options that allow them to share specific products with parents.
To share a product from the product page, first, click the blue Action icon. From here, the options for sharing products are QR Code, Email, Direct Link, Facebook, and Twitter.

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2. Set up a donation

Districts can add opportunities for Donations in MySchoolBucks to allow for funds to go to a specific account, such as a school, a department (athletics, band, food services, etc), or clubs and programs. The donation prompt will ask parents before checking out if they would like to make a donation.

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3. Edit invoices in bulk

The Invoice Dashboard gives a summary of invoice data for the district, and it includes the total money issued in invoices, the invoice payments that are still outstanding, the total money issued in late fees, and the late fees that are still outstanding. The dashboard also allows you to edit, print, waive, and delete invoices in bulk.

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4. Create & export custom reports

MySchoolBucks allows you to take existing reports and customize them by selecting the fields you would like to show in a new report. Reports are saved and able to be accessed and recreated via the My Reports section of the Reports Dashboard.

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5. Communicate directly with parents

The MySchoolBucks Parent Portal is what parents will see when they first log in to their MySchoolBucks account. As an admin, you have the ability to display custom cards that links to other areas of MySchoolBucks, such as meal payments, your school store, specific store products, your district's website, or any other important web pages your parents need.

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