Simplify your student fee collection with MySchoolBucks

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Collecting student fees can be a difficult task, especially when it has to be done manually. There’s excess paperwork that has to be managed and collected, hoping parents see the invoice you’ve sent home with a student, and then ensuring there’s an easy way for parents to pay it. MySchoolBucks can help simplify the entire process and help you collect payments much faster. In fact, many of our customers have shared that over 80% of their invoices sent electronically through MySchoolBucks are paid in 30 days or less, resulting in significant time savings for staff.

With MySchoolBucks student invoicing, you can easily assign fees to students or student groups (class, grade, homeroom, or your own unique student group) and automatically notify parents that a payment is due.  MySchoolBucks will even send reminder emails and add fees for late payments to help ensure invoices are paid on time.

Here are two easy ways to invoice parents through MySchoolBucks: 

Ad Hoc invoicing

Ad Hoc invoicing is a helpful feature when you need to create a one-off invoice or send a fee notice on the fly. With ad hoc invoicing, all you have to do is create the invoice in MySchoolBucks and select the group that you want to send it to. For example, have participation fees for athletics or after-school clubs? Let the faculty in charge create rosters in MySchoolBucks as student groups so you can assign every student's fee at once in a few clicks. 

You can then send these invoices immediately or schedule them to go out on a specific date/time.

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View the status of each invoice to see who has paid and who still owes in MySchoolBucks

Smart invoicing

While the Ad Hoc method is great for simple fees that may come up from time to time, it doesn’t work quite as efficiently when there are many different types of fees that need to be collected for thousands of students throughout the school year. That’s where Smart Invoicing can help.

By leveraging our integrations with many popular district systems (e.g. PowerSchool, Skyward), MySchoolBucks can fully automate the invoicing process. For instance, when a student enrolls in an AP Biology class, MySchoolBucks can automatically assign a textbook fee to that student and notify the parent when a payment is due.

Since MySchoolBucks is communicating in real-time with your district systems, it knows exactly when students are enrolled in a class and invoices parents automatically based on the guidelines you created. Unlike the Ad hoc method, you won’t need to log in, set up the invoice, and assign them to students.  It all happens automatically!  Although there is some upfront setup involved, once enabled, you’ll quickly make up for any lost time.

There are other helpful features associated with student invoicing too. MySchoolBucks can send automatic reminders and even add late fees when invoices aren’t paid on time. It also offers payment plans for those large invoices that need to be paid in installments.

A process that once felt overwhelming and time-consuming can be made simpler by using MySchoolBucks student invoicing capabilities. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us today.