Get to know your Account Manager before the Start of School!


Schedule a 30-minute planning session with the account management team for the upcoming school year! We would love to help you and your staff learn about new features, streamline payment collection, and grow your school store. We hope to chat with you soon.

Meet the team

Anthony Piazza

Northeastern Region:  CT, DC, DE, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, WV


Anthony has been with Heartland School Solutions since 2019. Before joining the team, he worked as a Physical Therapist Assistant specializing in sports and orthopedic rehab. When not hard at work, he enjoys spending time with his family and all things outdoors. A true Rochestarian - Anthony is an avid Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, and New York Yankees fan.



Brad Ricks

Central Region:  AR, IA, IL, LA, MN, MO, MS, OK, TX, WI


Brad has been with Heartland School Solutions since 2019. Growing up, he found a love for singing and playing guitar. Brad resides in Texas with his wife and their five children. In his limited spare time, he is writing his second novel and hopes to one day have his work published for everyone to enjoy.



Ed Joiner

Southeastern Region:  AL, FL, GA, IN, KY, MD, MI, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA


Ed has been with Heartland School Solutions since 2019. Despite being born and raised in Rochester, NY he is not a Buffalo Bills fan. Ed painfully admits that he is a New York Giants fan. When he’s not working, he is spending quality time with his son.




Eric Olson

Western Region:  AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, KS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY


Eric has been with Heartland School solutions since 2019. He is bilingual, speaking both English and French, and loves to travel. He has a BA in History and considers himself a total history and geography buff. While he currently resides in Chicago, IL, Eric has not only lived in other cities across the United States but also in France and Canada.



In addition to scheduling a 1:1 planning session, join the Account Managers for an upcoming Ask An MSB Expert webinar! These are the perfect opportunity to ask questions, connect with other school professionals, and learn about new features in MySchoolBucks.