[Webinar Recap] 3 ways to collect exam fees this school year

AP exams are a big part of many students' lives throughout high school, and along with those exams come fees that have to be paid. In this webinar, Account Manager Anthony Piazza discusses how you can leverage MySchoolBucks to help you manage AP exam fees.

Take a look at the three different ways you can utilize MySchoolBucks to collect these fees:

Send out invoices via a flat file upload

A flat file upload is a common way our districts assign fees to students for AP exams. By providing a list of AP students from the AP College Board, your Account Manager can work with you to upload it to MySchoolBucks. This process will automatically create invoices for each fee and notify parents that their student’s exam fee is due. Parents can then easily log into their accounts, see which invoices are due, and make a payment.

Add exam fee products to your School Store

Utilizing your School Store is one of the more traditional ways for parents to pay for exam fees. With this method, you can simply create an exam fee product to add to your School Store. Then, direct parents to browse the Store, add applicable fees to their cart and securely check out online. 

Collect registration through Store and auto-invoice parents

Anthony walks us through a new hybrid method for collecting AP exam fees using a combination of School Store and student invoicing features. This method is the best of both worlds, allowing parents to register their students' for courses in the School Store and giving administers a streamlined process for assessing fees with automated invoices. 

Schools can set up their exam fees as products and list them with a $0 price. Parents will essentially ‘purchase’ this zero-dollar product as a means to register their student for each AP exam. Once they register, parents will be added to a Student Group specific to that course. To assess these fees after registration closes, administrators can easily invoice parents for the associated fees based on Student Group. You’ll also have the ability for other customizations, such as setting due dates, allowing payment plans, or restricting purchases of other items until course fees are paid in full. Parents will then be responsible for payment when their invoice is received.

On the back end, this method requires the creation of Store products, student groups, and invoices. Watch the webinar below for an in-depth look at how to set up this process or contact your Account Manager for guidance.

Watch the Webinar below or meet with your Account Manager today to learn how to use MySchoolBucks to collect AP exams this school year. Plus, checkout our Power Hour schedule to join upcoming webinars this Fall. View Schedule >

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