Blog | MealViewer

ADA Compliance is Here!

Written by Oliver Maloney | Jan 22, 2018 1:27:00 PM


In 1990, Title III of the American Disabilities Act was passed requiring places of public accommodation to meet certain accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. With the drastic changes in the world manifested by technology, it was only a matter of time before the same standard was applied across the web. Well, that time has come and ADA compliance is, as of January 18th, 2018, required for your school’s website and online menus.

Section 508 compliance (also referred to as ADA compliance) means that digital files, web pages and other forms of ICT (information and communications technology) are equally accessible to all employees (or the general public, depending on the communication), regardless of whether or not these individuals have disabilities. Required entities that must comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act include federal agencies and any entity that receives funds from any federal agency. Failure to be compliant may result in legal fees due to alleged discrimination on the basis of disability.

But don’t worry! MealViewer has you covered! As innovators in the industry, we strive to refine and improve our platform to adapt the ever-changing landscape of School Nutrition. This includes not only creating new and fascinating additions to our platform, but making what we already have work as well as possible for the people that use it. When we learned of the upcoming legislative requirement, we did everything in our power to stay ahead of the curve of web accessibility. MealViewer’s platform is currently compliant with ADA Section 508 regulations and includes many features which allow for accessibility by users of our platform.

At MealViewer, we think it is imperative to help our platform empower you and all of the students that use it, regardless of their differences. Our MealViewer customers are currently ADA compliant and your district can be too!