Shopping for school supplies has never been easier | TeacherLists

MySchoolBucks + TeacherLists

Get all your school supply shopping done online! This school year, we're teaming up with TeacherLists to make back-to-school shopping easy, convenient, and digital.

With TeacherLists, you can conveniently view your student's school supply list on a desktop or mobile phone and quickly purchase the items you need from your favorite online retailer. Take advantage of contactless shopping by placing an order online with just a few clicks and have everything sent right to your door. Whether you are heading back or logging in, find out what supplies your child needs by signing into today.*

School Supply Shopping in 3 Easy Steps:


Log in to and click the TeacherLists card under Partners



Select your child's list and choose which supplies you'd like to purchase



Place an order online with your favorite retailer

It's as easy as that! We hope this new service helps make this school year just a little bit easier for you and your family.


TeacherLists MySchoolBucks Laptop


*Available for participating schools. Only accessible through the MySchoolBucks website.