Heartland School Solutions | Connections

FitFuture Parent Newsletter: 7 Ways to Wean the Screen

Written by Claire Turner | May 21, 2015 12:00:00 PM

Smart phones, computers, tablets, oh my! With an ever growing number of devices at our children’s finger tips, kids are spending more time than ever in front of screens. This month’s FitFuture Parent Newsletter  focuses on 7 ways to reduce screen time and inactivity.

Check them out and let us know what you think!

7 Ways to Wean the Screen

  1. Talk to Your Family - Explain to your kids that it's important to sit less and move more in order to stay healthy.
  1. Set Screen Time Limits - Create a house rule that limits screen time to two hours every day. More importantly, enforce the rule.
  1. Be a Role Model - You need to be a good role model and limit your screen time to no more than two hours per day. If your kids see you following your own rules, then they will be more likely to do the same.
  1. Compare Screen Time to Activity Time - Start tracking how much time your family spends in front of a screen, including things like TV/DVD, video games, and using the computer for something other than school or work. Then take a look at how much physical activity they get and compare.
  1. No TV in the Bedroom - Don’t put a TV or computer in your child's bedroom. Kids who have a TV in their room tend to watch about 1.5 hours more TV a day than those that don’t.
  1. Provide Better Options - Watching TV can become a habit, making it easy to forget what else is out there. Give your kids ideas and/or alternatives, such as playing outside, getting a new hobby, or learning a sport.
  1. Don't Use Screens as a Reward or Punishment - These practices make TV seem even more important to children.


FitFuture Parent Newsletter: 7 Ways to Wean the Screen
This is the perfect way to share healthy living tips with families in your community! Post this newsletter on your district's website or include it on the back of your school menus.

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